Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Photography Challenge

As a freshman in college, I don't have enough to do (can you hear the sarcasm?) and so I have decided to challenge myself to taking one photo a day for my entire first semester in college. I am doing this not just as a way to teach myself photography, but also to give myself an expressive outlet. Without going into too many gory details, I have recently had a complete life change in which I left almost all of my friends behind, moving from Ecuador, South America back to the States. Quite an adjustment, believe me. What I have found though, is that when I am photographing something, I have found a joy in creating. For me, this is not just a challenge to become a better photographer but to become a better expresser of who I am through photography. So, here it is: my photography challenge of one photo a day for the next semester.

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